Dear Sir/Madam,
Academic Exchange Information Centre, abbreviated as AEIC, is a professional academic conferences organizer co-founded by universities, research institutes and enterprises in China and abroad. Dedicated to initiatives to boost spread of science information, exchange among researchers, exploration of social hot topics and sharing of knowledge, AEIC has, since 2014, organized 300 international academic conferences, drawing an audience of 50000. AEIC conferences cover a wide spectrum of research areas, including energy and environment, computer science, electronic information engineering, hydraulic and civil engineering, mechanical engineering and automation, materials and manufacturing engineering, bioengineering, earth science, economics, management and finance, arts and social sciences.
To extend the influence of academic conferences and advance exchange among researchers, we cordially invite researchers and scientists specializing in diverse fields to the conferences of AEIC. Invited guests will enjoy sponsorship and support from AEIC. Detailed support and the application form are presented in the attached “AEIC Invitation”. Below is the list of conferences coming soon, and your presence will be an honor to us!
会议时间 | 会议地点 | 会议名称 |
May 15-17,2020 | Nanchang | 2020年计算机视觉、图像与深度学习国际学术会议(CVIDL) |
June 12-14,2020 | Fuzhou | 2020 年大数据、人工智能与物联网工程国际会议(ICBAIE) |
June 12-14,2020 | Qingdao | 2020年第二届无线通信与智能电网国际会议 (ICWCSG) |
June 26-28,2020 | Tianjin | 第五届计算机与信息处理技术国际学术研讨会(ISCIPT) |
July 3-5,2020 | Malaysia | 第二届通信、信息系统和计算机工程国际会议(CISCE) |
July 10-12,2020 | Kunming | 第三届大数据与应用统计国际学术研讨会(ISBDAS) |
July 17-19,2020 | Dali | 第三届计算机信息科学与应用技术国际学术论坛(CISAT) |
August 14-16,2020 | Xi'an,China | 2020年计算机视觉与数据挖掘国际学术会议(ICCVDM) |
August 21-23,2020 | Dalian | 第二届人工智能技术与应用国际学术会议(ICAITA) |
September 11-13,2020 | Shangri-La | 2020年机器学习与计算机应用国际会议(ICMLCA 2020) |
September 25-27,2020 | Hulun Buir | 第三届计算机信息科学与人工智能国际学术会议(CISAI) |
October 23-25,2020 | Chengdu | 第二届电子与通信,网络与计算机技术国际学术会议(ECNCT) |
November 13-15,2020 | Shenyang | 第二届信息与计算机前沿技术国际学术会议(ICFTIC) |
Download:AEIC Invitation
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2020 International Conference on Computer Vision and Data Mining